
Wednesday 2 May 2012

My Day Off

My mid week day off work is often filled with  appointments like doctor, dentist, hairdresser, car service etc., but today there are none of the above and I have the whole day to myself, which poses the big question 'what will I do?' Will it be home duties, lunch with a friend, go to the beach, go for a walk or a combo of all of these.

Well I looked outside and  I am met with a dreary, showery day with no sign of any sunshine and immediately my enthusiasm sinks. Well forget the beach and probably the walk (I do own an umbrella but will I use it?) and it is too late to organise lunch out with my friend, so sadly that leaves 'home duties.'

The clothes are washed and ready to peg out but alas they may have to go into the dryer.
What's for dinner?, so I check my slow cooker recipes and make a list of ingedients required. Then it's off to the supermarket, newsagent and post office and back home to get the slow cooker meal started. There is some time left to vacuum and do a quick tidy of the house and maybe read  my weekly magazine.

So that is my day off, I may not have done anything too exciting but I feel the day wasn't wasted as I did
cook a nice dinner, got some chores done and the best thing of all - I WROTE A BLOG!!!
How do you spend your day off if you are lucky enough to have one?

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