
Wednesday 14 May 2014


This topic has been in my mind for some time and today with all the TALK about THE BUDGET handed down last night, it seemed today was the right time!

It is about "Living within your Means" and I have lived with that motto all of my life and even now I just don't buy something because I can afford it.

There are many ways you can save money and if you cannot afford it - don't buy it. I was brought up in an era when you saved for anything you wanted, there was no such thing as rushing out and ticking it up on a credit card and think about paying for it later. When I started working I wanted to buy a car for my 17th birthday. I sat down and worked out the maximum amount I could save over 12 months and I stuck to it, I did not withdraw any money over that period, if I wanted something I couldn't afford I went without.

The following are ways that can save money:
Take your lunch from home, buying takeaway food and drink five times a week can add up to a minimum of $60 a week. Buy your drinks from the supermarket and chill it yourself, another big saving. Cut back on takeaway coffee.

Petrol/Diesel: Do not make unnecessary trips eg. to buy the milk etc. Plan ahead and do your grocery shopping once a week.

Groceries:  Shop for specials and buy ahead on all necessities like toilet paper, toothpaste, paper towels, washing powder, dishwasher powder/tablets, tissues etc. You should not pay everyday prices for these items. What you save you can spend on fresh food.

Save for a holiday and only choose a holiday you can afford, don't charge it to the credit card or add it to the home loan.

Use your credit card wisely, it is very handy but only spend what you can pay back in full each month. Too many people cannot control their spending and accumulate huge debts on their credit cards.

Clothing is so cheap these days - look for the reduced racks in the stores. Children's clothing can be purchased very cheaply at the end of each season, buy the next size up, $25 items can be reduced down to $7. The retail stores all have regular sales during the year, capitalise on these.

We all like to enjoy life to the fullest, we can still do this by planning, budgeting and saving a little for unexpected expenses and don't try to "keep up with the Jones's". Be prepared to make sacrifices,
you can't always afford what you want.

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