
Monday 27 January 2014

If I only had TIME

'TIME' is such a simple word but can have so many meanings. Time as in the 'time of day' is the most obvious one but 'time' seems to govern our every waking moment as without time what could we do? How many 'times' have we said and to quote the song 'if I only had time', I haven't got time, I have run out of time and so on, often used as an excuse when a job has remained unfinished.

One of my favourite songs by Gene Pitney has the following lyrics:  So much to do if I only had time,
Time like the wind goes a-hurrying by and the hours just fly. This somehow sums up our daily lives.

Another favourite by Cher is "If I could turn back Time," I guess these words become more prevalent as we get older and reminisce about the things we should have done or could undo the things we should not have done or maybe go back to a certain age in your life where you hold the fondest memories.

And who could forget (I've had) The Time of my life from the movie Dirty Dancing. If asked the question "what has been the best time of  your life?, what would you answer?   For me it would be the day I met my husband as without him "what would life be" (more lyrics pop into my head).

As you get older I guess Time becomes more precious and the urgency to accomplish unfinished dreams, and pursue your bucket list becomes dependent on having Time.

As I near my 2nd year of Blogging, I think this topic is very appropriate as Time is a big factor in Blogging, time to think about the content, time to write it down and time to publish it. As it has been over 2 months since my last blog, I guess the Time of the year plays a big role in not having enough time as the lead up to Christmas for most of us becomes very Time poor!

I would love to hear from you about the Times of your life!!


  1. I certainly took time for granted until I had Children.

    1. Yes, there is never enough time when you have children, life is busy.

  2. Nice one Maz! Somehow I seem to have more time when I stop worrying about time and just be in the moment. The more I worry about how busy I am, the less time I seem to have. Meditation and mindfulness have helped me a lot. Xx

  3. I agree, when I keep thinking how many things I have to do the more quickly time goes by!


I would love your feedback on this topic!